Monday, March 9, 2009


Warning: Depressing dream ahead.

A steam train barreled down a railway track. There were five or six cars, all filled with coal. Each car had two or three holes in the floor, with coal piled high all around them. Tired men dropped heavy shovelfuls of the coal down the holes and into the furnaces below. Grey clouds obscured the sun; the sky was dark. The train passed trees that were bare of any leaves or color.

There were dogs, covered in soot, that ran back and forth over the piles of coal. Their purpose was unknown. One of the dogs ran too close to one of the men and his shovel. When the coal was dropped from one pile to another, the dog was hit by a few of the coal rocks. His leg was broken and the foreman immediately stated that the dog was to be thrown over the side because he was in the way and 'we wouldn't want him to fall into the furnace.'

I think I should see a psychologist.

Almost forgot...
I told my mom about my dream and she said that the night before, she'd woken up in the middle of the night to let the dog, Caroline, outside. She heard a train passing by on the tracks a few miles away and worried that the dog would
run over there one day and get herself killed.

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