Saturday, October 29, 2011


Loud. Loud.
Why is everything so LOUD?

White light, but something is blocking it. A shadow is moving closer to me, covering me, a huge sillouette. Hands. Huge, with long, thick fingers.

I cover my ears, closing my eyes, but I still see the shadow moving closer, towering over me. The noise is incredible. So loud I can't think. Can't move. Can't feel anything but terror and the need to GETAWAYGETAWAYGETAWAY

Paralyzed, I can't move, I see a face now. Terrible, huge, with black eyes. It's talking to me, but it has no mouth. No words, but I can hear it in my brain. Stop it please. STOP IT!

I'm frozen with fear, but shivering, unable to move, to GETAWAY.

The words are louder, thundering in my ears, yelling at me. Incomprehensible.

I wake up screaming. I jump out of bed, unaware I'm awake until I'm already out of the room, screaming, running to warmth, safety, familiarity. I find my sister or my mother, burying my face in their shirt and holding them tight. It takes whole minutes to convince me it was all a dream.

Just a dream.

This is my failed attempt at trying to put onto paper the content of recurring night terrors I had as a child. There are no words for the pure animal fear of those dreams.

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